Your distinct style goes beyond your hair, clothes or the car you drive. Your whole apartment should reflect what makes you, well, you! It ought to fit you like your favorite pair of jeans. To give you a little inspiration, we’re sharing our favorite DIY home decor projects.
If you’re a vintage industrial junkie (and we know there are plenty of you out there!), you’re probably longing to add some worn wood, leather and metal to your home decor. The good news is all you need is a fun flea market find, a little time and your own imagination. DIY projects don’t have to be expensive, difficult or even time-consuming. Pick one of our easy projects or all of them. Soon you’ll have one-of-a-kind pieces that add a chic, industrial vibe to your living space. Best of all, they’ll make your home uniquely you!
Baking Tin Industrial Metal Tiered Tray Organizer/
We all need more storage! This piece gives you plenty without taking up much space on the table or countertop.

Vintage Suitcase Table
Make yourself a custom coffee or end table made from a vintage suitcase, and bring a little retro to any room.

Wooden Cable Spool Stool
Give an old cable spool a little love and you’ll have this fun and functional rolling stool that’s also a bookshelf.
Music Tripod Lamp
A discarded music stand gets a second chance as an industrial lamp. The best part is you can adjust the height and splay of the base to suit your space.
Industrial Pipe Paper Towel Holder
When it comes to accessorizing your kitchen, the paper towel holder gets center stage. Make yours a statement piece.
Turquoise Can Cutlery Storage
If you want fun and stylish storage for your cutlery at your next party, this is your DIY home decor project! Ordinary food cans are transformed with just a bit of paint.
We hope these DIY home decor projects have inspired you to go out there, find something old and make it new again. Better yet, make it yours!
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