Spare the Pup Hair

Dog hair—no one likes it. But we love our dogs too much to let it come between us. Instead, we’ve…

What to Do While You Unplug

You may have heard by now that too much technology can be bad for your mental health. It’s hard, though,…

How to Feng Shui Color

You’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about what you want your home to look like, but have you…

Inspiring Fall Décor

6 Inspiring Hacks for Your Apartment Pumpkin spice. Plaid scarves. Roasted marshmallows. Fall is here, heralding its vibrant colors and…

Green Thumb on a Small Scale

A beginner’s guide to indoor plants The benefits of bringing a little bit of flora into your home are astounding…

Make Space for Relaxation at Home

You’ve spent the day responding to emails, attending meetings, straining your eyes staring at your computer screen and still not…