Living Together: One, Six and Twelve Months In

When my boyfriend and I decided to move in together for the first time, our friends and family came out…

PTO: Ferris Bueller Edition

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” -…

Living Together: How to Handle Pre-Move In

You’ve been through all of the firsts—your first butterflies-in-your-stomach-sweaty-palms date, that first deep late-night conversation where you thought you’d never…

Max Out: Workout Goals for All

Whether you’re an avid runner or you prefer watching athlete’s on TV from the comfort of your couch, it’s likely…

Where to Brunch in DC

Need a pick-me-up after a tough work week or a long night out? Here’s the scoop on the most sumptuous…

Discover Your Decluttering Style

If you’re like me, your counters are covered with opened (and unopened) mail, your drawers are stuffed with a few…