How to Organize a Pet Closet

If you’ve ever found it challenging to get out the door for a morning walk as you scramble to find leashes, doggie bags, booties, and treats, a pet closet might be the perfect solution. So what exactly is a pet closet? Simply put, it’s your fur baby’s own little nook to store her favorite things.

Signs You Need a Pet Closet:
  • Do you buy multiple different outfits for your pet?
  • Do you display photos of her around the house?
  • Is her gear crowding your apartment?

If your dog or cat is more of a member of the family than a pet, you might both find it fun to set up a pet closet. Here’s how to organize a pet closet in a way that works for you both.

Find a Space

Choose a closet that you can empty out and transform into the perfect pet space. Don’t have a closet to spare? No problem. You can easily salvage an old dresser, a wardrobe, or even a divided bookcase and DIY it into a place for storing all your pet’s favorite things.

A Place to Snuggle

Start by stashing a couple of bright pillows at the bottom of the closet where she can enjoy a quick snuggle while you’re rifling through the closet pre-walk. The more you make it special, the more she’ll enjoy it and recognize it as her own.

Set Up Toy Bins

Store your fur baby’s favorite toys on a shelf that’s eye level for her. Pop in some collapsible bins for stashing stuffed animals and loveys. Be sure your pup or cat can reach them whenever she wants. Bonus points for teaching her to pick up her toys and put them back at the end of the day!

Personalize It

A pet closet is more than a matter of practicality; it’s fun for your fur baby, too! Add on personalized embellishments and make it uniquely hers. Arrange a framed photo of the two of you on a shelf, or tape it to the inside of the door. If she has plentiful outfits, install a rod with hangers to display her cutest sweaters, raincoats, and holiday attire.

Storing Dog Food

Need a storage solution that works? The best way to minimize odors and mischievous behavior when storing dog food is to transfer food into an airtight container. Find a bin that fits your space. And if you have the luxury of a full closet, you can use a sealed container on wheels for ease of use.

Bath Time Gear

Fill a basket with her favorite bath toys and supplies. Be sure to include her towels, shampoo, bath toys, toothbrush, nail clippers, and doggie brush. Toss in a couple of treats in a sealed baggie for a bath time reward.

Top Shelf

On the top-most shelf, far away from curious noses, store any medicines and treatments your fur baby uses. You can also place treats on this high-up shelf out of reach to avoid tempting mischievous behavior. Try displaying treats in a cute plastic jar to help establish that this closet is all about her.

A Place for Everything Else

Find a designated spot for anything else that’s hers: Slide in pet gates for storage, place extra water and food bowls on a shelf, and stash extra pet waste bags and cat litter in the remaining areas of the closet. Place her paperwork, such as vet bills and vaccination records, in a folder and slide it on a shelf that’s out of reach. Install hooks to hold her leash, extra collars, and even bows or bowties. Play around with the layout until you find a way to make it work for both of you. Don’t worry about getting it perfect – just enjoy!
