Play Nice: The Ultimate Guide to Dog Etiquette

In our communities, pets are as familiar to us as the residents who own them. And just like their owners, every pet has their peeve. Living in an apartment community can be an adjustment for some pups, and it doesn’t take dog whisperer to know what your pets’ boundaries are. Here are five tips on dog etiquette in your Bozzuto community.

Take it Slow

Most of our communities have dog parks or dog runs. They’re an awesome way to meet your neighbors and other furry friends, but for some dogs, these spaces can be overwhelming. Before joining in on the fun, gauge the energy level and size of the dogs in play in comparison to your dog. Your dog will give you queues if they’re uncomfortable–if you see hackles, pinned ears, raised lips or other aggressive or frightened body language, it’s probably best to step out and try again another day.

Not Everyone Loves Your Dog as Much as You

It’s hard to imagine your dog being scary to someone else, I mean who can resist your pup’s sweet face? However many people are frightened by dogs. Keep that in mind as you navigate hallways, elevators and other shared common areas. Keep your pup leashed and if someone is approaching, keep your dog close to you. Don’t assume the other person is okay with a sniff or two.

“Is He Friendly?”

Some dogs just don’t like other dogs, and some dogs don’t like strangers. On the same token of not allowing your dog to sniff without permission, don’t pet without permission. If you get permission, allow the dog to sniff you first, then pet the top of the head. If you have little ones, remind them to ask the owners before petting or approaching a new dog.

Accidents Happen

Emergencies and upset bellies happen. If your pup has an accident in the hallway, let us know. We’ll send the concierge or our cleaning crew to take care of the mess. If it’s after hours, do your best to clean up, and just send us an email so we can take care of it in the morning.

Home Alone

Work long days, or have a job that takes you away from home on business trips? We’re happy to give recommendations on pet sitting services or local doggie daycares. If your pup is a barker, try leaving the TV or radio on for background noise. Xfinity even offers DogTV subscriptions, a curated channel with dog-approved programming. Or, try an old favorite, distract the avid shoe chewers with a Kong stuffed with frozen peanut butter.

If your dog has never lived in an apartment community, it’s a good idea to ease your pet into new social situations–with human and animal neighbors. And, if your dog is an apartment dwelling veteran, be kind to your neighbors who are still learning the ropes. Sometimes a kind word or bit of advice goes a long way.
