Life of (City) Pets

Let’s be honest, your pets are your children. When making the big move from the suburbs to city life, how are they supposed to thrive in the hustle and bustle of the city?

Dog Parks

The first question that comes to mind when moving to the city is “where is the greenery or a park where I can play with my pet or let them get down to “business?” Don’t worry city dwellers, there are still plenty of dog parks, and some can even be found in your new home. Apartment homes with dog parks are the perfect spaces where you don’t have to leave the building to give your pet some fresh air or relief (especially if you are in a hurry or it is the middle of the night). They have seats for the humans, plus water bowls and baggies for the pups. Don’t forget to bring a ball to play fetch!

Rooftop dog park at 5333 Connecticut in Washington, D.C.
Home Away From Home Services

This one is for the cat lovers. Say you are going out of town, and can’t find anyone to watch your precious companion or don’t have the money to board them. That is where our “Home Away from Home” program comes in, a service provided to you as a Bozzuto resident. A staff member at your apartment community will check on your pet to ensure they have water and food. Trust us, you’re not only doing your wallet a favor, but you are doing the on-site staff one as well because we love any excuse to get some animal loving.

Yappy Hour

I have three words for you: Wine and Dogs. Yes, your dreams have come true because there is an event where you not only get to enjoy some wine and meet some of your neighbors (and let’s be real, more importantly, their dogs), but your furry best friend also gets to make friends with other pups as well.

Dog Walkers

You’re in the city now which means commuting back and forth from work to your apartment can be a feat. Before you could just hop in your car and run home to let your pet outside mid-day, but now that could take about 45-60 minutes if the bus/train gods are in your favor. You should consider hiring a dog walker. Dog Walkers are able to give your furry child some love and a break outdoors so that you have one less thing to stress out about while at work (especially knowing your carpets are safe).

West Broad Apartments in Falls Church, Virginia
Pet Spa

Giving your pet some grooming, and especially a bath can sometimes be a hassle because:

  • A) They are not exactly happy about what is about to go down
  • B) You don’t have space or tools to make things run smoothly
  • C) All of the above

If any of the above apply to you, then thank goodness for pet spas. These lifesaving rooms give you all the help you could need with large tubs and movable shower heads for baths, and plenty of space for brushing hair or clipping nails. Plus, it is such an easy clean up afterward that the days of seeing your pet shake off water and hair all over your kitchen is in the past.

Move over suburbs, you are now a certified city-pet know it all.
